Sunday, February 25, 2018

Flying Home


Someone laid out
carpet samples
down there
Someone carved out
wiggly lines
down there
All those
shades of green
down there
And then the desert
Above the wing
and far away
Frosted horizon
Sierra Nevadas
(tiny lakes)
I thought I saw
a Cessna
down there
trying to keep up
me too.

Flying Along

Flying Along

Flying along
Big and Strong
me and Dad
above the clouds-
How the valleys
in the clouds
reflect the valleys
on the ground.
My father's hands
are thick and brown,
his eyes are creased
with many a frown.
His breath is thick
with sour beer 
and nicotine is always near.
No albatros nor eagle
has wings which reach as far
as Pappy's in a Cessna
(or Jon inside his car.)
Between the Son and Father
The Poet writes away
The words which grab at meaning
The words he needs to say.
With all eyes closed
and silence spoken
the memories
are soft unbroken.
Now sky, now ground
Now seaward bound
And in the night
Come take flight
and spread your wings
above all things.
fly eagle proud
above the cloud...
A lazy eight
would sure be great
a stall and dive
to feel alive
Like words in a song
Flying along
I'm always glad
To fly with Dad.

Mother Chant

Mother Chant

Honor to the Mother,
Giver of Life and Form,
Maker of the Sun and Moon,
The Wielder of the Storm.
Honor to the Great Womb
From which all Life is born,
When souls are cast as mortal
The Rose receives its Thorn.
Honor to the Ancient Crone
To whom all Life must turn,
Whose body takes all forms at last
When down the candles burn.
Honor to the Circle,
The Dance and Song of All.
Come take your place before Her,
Come Dance within Her Hall.
The Womb is soft and comforting,
The Hall is warm and moist.
There is no Life refuses,
For you never had a choice.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Let It Happen


Just let it happen
Just let the waves wash over you
Let the sun wash over you
Let the waves part for you
The Great One parts the waves
One tusk whole one tusk broken
Remover of obstacles
Parting the Reed Sea
Followed by Moses and his tribe
Just let it happen
Paddling through the marsh
Just let it happen
Pursued by no one
Just let it happen
Let the obstacles be set aside
Just let it happen
Moses tear down that wall
Just let it happen
Make the way clear for all.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Death and Electons

So here we stand so mild and meager
Stupidly staring at one who is eager
To rule over nations and mankind et al
To lounge back in ease just having a ball.
Expecting some mercy from this sort of fool
Is consciously, willingly pulling down the wool.
Everybody moves toward their comfort zone
Hoping someone Up There will throw them a bone
While growing around them are herbs which bring Life -
They're mowing them down for the Great Leader's wife.
It's so easy to be stupid, it's an honor to be fooled
They control who are the teachers and we all must go to school.
The fey folk and the forest folk and the gnomes deep underground
Have been watching when they're watching as a Race is come unwound.
It doesn't happen often that a People self destruct...
Mostly it's individuals who somehow got them Puck'd
Yet here we are still staring like a blind Prince in a curse
The fey have took the best of Us and the rest have got the worst.

Fred Brighton
January, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016



I hate talking about Dad
in the past tense
He had
He did
He was
in my head
he still
and always will be

The Urn


When you burn them
Jon's ashes
Feel the heat
Let it scald you
Make your eyes run wet
Hard to breathe
When you shovel them up
Jon's ashes
Feel the weight
Like leaves, like sod
Like the weight of
A quarter of a century
Make you ache for days
When we toss them
Jon's ashes
Breathe them in
Hot and burning
Into your lungs
Jon's ashes
Make them part of you
Hard to inhale
Hard to exhale
Frozen by the results
Of that fire, that oven
When you throw them into water
Jon's ashes
Jump straight in
Hold your breath in
Jon's ashes
Feel the cold of death
The suspension of weight
The feeling of being
Swept away somewhere else
When you place them in the urn
Jon's ashes
Sealing away the sight
The smell the texture of
Jon's ashes
When you pick them up
Jon's ashes
Let them slide away
Your fingers part
He slides away
Jon's ashes.